Kaylin Christen Swart
Birthdate:30 September 1994
Club/occupation: JVW Football Club
Favouritefood: Anything chicken
Favourite Song: At the moment - Eyes Closed by Ed Sheeran
Why Do you love Lotto: Lotto is a brand that has so much potential to become a household name, and that is why I am so proud to be part of the family, they make you feel special and thats all you can ask for as an athlete. They see me and I appreciate Lotto and its people.
Secret about you: When i was still a little girl, i use to piggy back my dog and one day I did just that, and just before my dad said don’t do i busted my toes open, needed stitches and all, bear in mind I had cricket trials the next day,and still made the team with busted toes haha